
Y AMAh A MUsic Pr O d U c T i O n GUide
One last tip is „neutralising“: From time to time it is good to take
simple bread and butter sounds from the Presets or other sound-
sets. Most of the Voices and Performances of „Evolving Sounds-
capesare very emotional and meaningful for themselves already.
To demonstrate the soundset, only Voices from the User Bank and no
external effects were used. If you want to reconstruct the Song, you
will find three MIDI files (theme, chords, and bass) for download at
So far for different insights into song production with „Evolving
Soundscapes“. With this soundset you can upgrade your MOTIF
with high-profile cinematic sounds and especially with synths
for dubstep and other trendy styles of electronic music. Have fun
while producing!
Matthias Sauer
Video: www.youtube.com/user/motifnews
Sound-Produkt: www.easysounds.de
TiP: APP FOr visUAl eFFecTs
You want to upload your MOTIF production results
on YouTube or Vimeo, but need some material for
the visual representation to accompany the music?
Here‘s a hint: Before looking for holiday pictures
in your albums, take an Apple iPad and install the
free App „Visual Performer“ by Yamaha.
Originally designed for live performances, this iOS App can
also contribute in the production of movies.
The application is self-explanatory. If you have questions,
simply refer to the manual which can be found within the App
(System menu). Select some images and animate them via
sound or simply by finger movements on the touch screen.
Additional images are available for small money (2.69 Euros).
Watch the Song‘s video of this workshop episode on the
„Motifnews“ YouTube channel to see an example of what this
App can achieve.