
Users (PArT 2)
Following part 1 of this workshop, I‘ll delve one level deeper into the KARMA MOTIF software and introduce you
to some details.
A brieF Overview
The approach to a new software such as KARMA
MOTIF is certainly very different from user to user. For
example, one could spend quite a few hours reading
tutorials before pressing the first key. In turn, it is not
forbidden to make the first steps with a new product
completely intuitive.
The use of KARMA MOTIF offers a wide range of possibilities. They
start by jamming just for fun to using it live on stage to doing
experimental compositions and productions - everything is possible.
I will still try to describe the expanded possibilities under
different aspects without losing myself in the absolute depths of the
parameter jungle.
PersOnAl PreFerences
KARMA MOTIF comes with 64 Performances, with the same number
of Song Mixings in the MOTIF XS/XF. One of the first steps - the cus-
tomisation of a Performance to your own taste - already presupposes
a consideration: Should/must the adaption be made in the MOTIF
or in KARMA? KARMA generates MIDI events, so much is known.
These include the note events with which the musical content is
generated. But: Via MIDI, you have access to all Mixing and Voice
parameters, so that it is not immediately obvious, at which point an
intervention is useful. A second consideration relates to the trigger
of parameter changes. Of course you can set and store everything
in the software on the computer. However, some adjustments are
possible from the Remote mode of the MOTIF. I will try to get a nice
approach to that subject.
Y AMAh A MUsic Pr O d U c T i O n GUide