
Y AMAh A MUsic Pr O d U c T i O n GUide
This Synth Guide is a workshop series which introduces
you to the basic concepts of synthesizers and
workstations with special reference to the Yamaha
MOTIF series.
A special feature of the MOTIF series is the continuity in its sound
architecture and operation. So if you have once understood the device‘s
concept you can apply this knowledge on the following models.
The following devices are primarily considered:
S90 XS
However, owners of older models such as the MOTIF Classic“ or
the MOTIF ES can also benefit from this workshop series, since, as
stated above, the basic sound architecture is unchanged throughout
the complete MOTIF series (including S- and MO-series).
This episode is all about the Performance mode, both in terms of its
different applications and device typical deviations.
hOw did The PerFOrMAnce
MOde GOT iTs nAMe?
In the MOTIF Music Production Guide 02-2012 the basic concepts
have already been explained. The Performance mode was also
discussed in that part. According to a great internet portal, the term
„Performance“ has many explanations. Our particular application
is probably pretty close to the artistic performance, without that we
necessarily have to involve artistic standards. But with the help of a
Performance of the instruments described here you can simply
„perform your music. The following will describe the precondi-
tions which are to be established to do so. The key advantage of a
Performance is to have direct access to as many controls and
parameters during live playing, without having to go into deeper
menu structures. This results in a limitation right at the beginning:
There is no Performance mode in the MOTIF-RACK XS.
PerFOrMAnce PlAY MOde
Performances are organised into User Banks of 128 storage locations.
None of the instruments mentioned here feature Performances as
Presets. So if you adjust a Performance according to your wishes,
you are forced to overwrite an existing Performance. If you do not
want to lose the original, it makes sense to watch out for potential
„free“ memory locations when exploring the factory Performances.
Of course, if necessary every instrument can be restored to its factory
settings by doing a factory reset.
No rule without exception: On the S70/90 XS the fourth Performance
User Bank is empty at default to immediately provide free memo-
ry slots for your own creations. The Performance storage capacity
varies from instrument to instrument:
MOTIF XS – 3 User-Banks
MOTIF XF – 4 User-Banks
S70 XS / S90 XS – 4 User-Banks
MOX6 / MOX8 – 2 User-Banks
As already mentioned, the Performance Play mode is ideal for a
typical live situation. Whether as a solo artist or in a band context.
In a normal Performance four Voices can be combined. It is possible
to set up Layers (one sound above the other), Splits, or Velocity Swit-
ches and Velocity Crossfades. Many Performances use arpeggios for
rythmical accompaniment.
PArT 8: