
Y AMAh A MUsic Pr O d U c T i O n GUide
This is iT
dTX502 e-drUM-MOdUle
It‘s always hard to write or talk about sounds. But the
new DTX502 series sounds so good that I just can not
help but write about it. I recommend that - after reading
this text - you sit down on one of the four DTX502 drum
kits to experience the sounds live and for yourself.
Whether you listen to the module with a headphone or
a PA, it will convince you.
As already mentioned, there are four new DTX drum kits: DTX522k,
DTX532k, DTX542k, and DTX562k. Since I have a DTX542k for tes-
ting and demonstration, I of course will refer to that kit. However,
the DTX502 module is the same for all DTX kits mentioned above.
The module features 691 drum and percussion sounds and
128 keyboard sounds. After switching on a well-known friend appears,
the „Maple Custom“. This set is one of Yamaha‘s Acoustic Series.
Yamaha has recorded almost all of their own acoustic sets, so us
e-drummers can play these fantastic sets with the electronic drum
The following acoustic sets are included in the DTX502 module:
 Maple Custom
 Oak Custom
 Birch Custom
 Beech Custom
As I struck the snare pad for the first time, I was absolutely amazed.
Yamaha‘s Anti Machine Gunning“ function was also implemented
in the DTX502. This function has nothing to do with warfare, its
name refers to earlier times of e-drums, when they often sounded
like a machine gun in certain conditions and had only little dynamic
levels. However, now the sound that is output from the module is
slighty changed with each hit on the pad - resulting in a real feel,
rolls and diddles sound absolutely realistic. Together with a superb
dynamic this function let‘s the drummer‘s heart beat wild. The pads
can even be played with the fingers - unbelievable...!
Many drummers from all over the world were involved in the plan-
ning of the DTX502 module. There was a lot of talk about sound,
design, and functionality. The result is a full success.