User Manual

Key combinations Operation
Double-click on any object in
Initiates Stamp mode.
Stamp mode is a function that places a component on the sheet each
time you click.
< Esc >key Discontinue Stamp Mode and in-progress edits.
Click on existing object in Design
Sheet whilst holding down <Ctrl>
key, then drag and drop from that
Duplicate a object.
Whilst holding down <Ctrl> key, drag
and drop component(s) from Design
Sheet or parameter from
component editor window.
Assign item(s) to the following windows
-Parameter sets
-GPI dialog box
-Remote Control Setup List dialog box
-DCP Components
Drag and drop component(s) or
parameter(s) from "Parameters".
Assign item(s) to the following windows
-Parameter sets
-GPI dialog box
-Remote Control Setup List dialog box
-DCP Components
Alphanumeric keys
-Design Sheet
Select the component(s) with label beginning with matching character. If
more than one component, step through them.
-Components, Parameter Sets, Parameters
Select the componenUParameter/Group with labelb eginning with
matching character. If more than one component, step through them
<Ctrl> key+ click Simultaneously select or deselect multiple objects.
<Shift> key+ click Simultaneously select or deselect multiple objects.
Drag the mouse cursor. Select objects that are fully contained inside the rectangular area.
While holding down the <Ctrl> key,
drag the mouse cursor.
Select objects that are partially contained inside the rectangular target
<While holding down the <Shift> key,
drag the mouse cursor.
Select component input ports that are fully inside the rectangular target
While holding down the <Alt> key,
drag the mouse cursor.
Select component output ports that are fuly inside the rectangular target
<While holding down the <Shift>
key+ <Alt> key, drag the mouse
Select the component input and output ports that are fully inside the
rectangular target area.
Select and drag from the origin port
on a component to destination port
on another component.
Create a wire connection between component ports.
Pressing the space key while dragging opens the Transmitter or Reciever
Form dialog window.
Select wires and press <Space> key. Connect the wires to the Transmitter and Reciever components.
5. Shortcut keys
ProVisionaire Design User Guide | 33