User's Manual

“Preset” dialog box Chapter 6. Presets
MTX Editor User’s Manual
Input the name of the preset. By default, this will be “Preset + preset number.” You
cannot enter a blank preset name.
[OK] button
This stores the preset and closes the dialog box.
•[Cancel] button
This cancels the preset store operation, and closes the dialog box.
[Recall] button
When you click this button, the currently selected preset will be recalled (loaded) as the
current parameters. The number and name of the recalled preset are shown in the
Preset select combo box.
[Recall Filter] button
This displays the Recall Filter setting screen.
Preset list
This displays a list of the presets. Up to 50 presets can be stored.
•Preset link ( )
A check mark is shown for presets whose recall is linked with the presets of another
MTX system.
Shows the preset number (01–50). This cannot be changed.
Shows the preset name. If you select a stored preset and click this area, you’ll be able
to edit the name.
This will indicate [No Data] for empty presets.
•Protect ( )
If this check box is selected, the preset will be protected so that it cannot be edited.
You can prevent unintended changes by protecting a preset that you dont want to be
overwritten or modified.
•Scheduler ( )
If this check box is selected, the scheduler function will be enabled when the preset
is recalled.
If the scheduler is disabled, the [SCHEDULER] indicator of the MTX unit itself will flash
rapidly when the event time occurs.
If even one item is specified in the Recall Filter setting screen as excluded from
recall, this area will indicate “Partial.