User Manual

Table Of Contents
“Compressor” component editor
MRX Designer User Guide
2 Compressor curve
This shows the effect as a graph. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the
vertical axis is the output signal level.
3 [GR] meter
Indicates the amount of gain reduction.
4 [OUT] meter
Shows the output signal level.
5 [KEY IN] list box
From this list, select the input signal that is used as the key-in signal; that is, the
reference signal that causes the compressor to operate.
The following choices are provided.
For a monaural channel component, the input signal is used as the trigger source.
For a stereo channel component, the L or R input signal is used as the trigger source.
For a stereo channel component, both L/R input signals are used as the trigger source.
The higher of the L/R input signals will be the trigger.
The key-in input is used as the trigger source.
6 [THRESHOLD] knob
Specifies the threshold level at which the compressor will take effect.
7 [RATIO] knob
Specifies the compression ratio.
When the threshold level is exceeded, the output signal will be adjusted at the ratio
specified by “input signal : output signal.” For example with a setting of 4:1, the portion
of the signal that exceeds the threshold value will be compressed to 1/4th.
8 [KNEE] knob
Specifies how compression will be applied.
With the [HARD] setting, compression will operate like a limiter. If the [HARD] setting
produces an unnatural impression, raise the value. However, raising the value
excessively will increase the amount of compression for the portion below the threshold
level. If anything other than single-byte alphanumeric characters is entered, the setting
will be [HARD].
9 [ATTACK] knob
Specifies the attack time (the time from when the input signal exceeds the threshold
until the maximum compression is reached).
0 [RELEASE] knob
Specifies the release time (the time from when the input signal falls below the threshold
until compression is no longer applied).
A [GAIN] knob
Sets the gain of the output signal.