User Manual

“External Events” dialog box Chapter 7. Dialog boxes/Software applications
MTX-MRX Editor User Guide
Command text box
If [On/Off] has been selected in the [Event Mode] list box, repeatedly pressing the
button on an external device, such as a DCP unit, will cause the MTX/MRX to transmit
the On command and Off command alternately. If [1shot] has been selected in the
[Event Mode] list box, repeatedly pressing the button on an external device, such as a
DCP unit, will cause the MTX/MRX to transmit the programmed commands.
Commands should be hexadecimal numbers, and entered in the format of XX.
If a command for controlling an external device is expressed by a text string in the
relevant specification document, use the Converter area to convert the text string into
a hexadecimal number.
The maximum command length is 128 bytes.
[Converter>>] button
Displays an area where you can convert a text string into a hexadecimal number.
[ASCII to Hex]/[Hex to ASCII] option button
Select whether you want to convert a text string to a hexadecimal number or vice versa.
[ASCII]/[Hex] text box
The upper text box name will be ASCII or Hex, depending on the selection of the
[ASCII to Hex]/[Hex to ASCII] radio buttons.
Click the [Convert] button to display the conversion result in the lower text box.
[Reset] button
Erases the contents in the [ASCII]/[Hex] text boxes.
[To Command] button
Displays the hexadecimal command (that has been converted from the text string) in
the Command text box.
If you selected [On/Off] in the [Command Type] list box, the [Command - On] button
and [Command - Off] button will appear to let you choose which button the command
should be applied to.
[OK] button
Updates the settings and closes the dialog box. If the IP address or the command format
is invalid, an error message will appear and the dialog box will not close.
[Cancel] button
Closes the dialog box without updating the settings.