User Manual

Table Of Contents
14.2.3. Messages generated by the snapshot function
The following messages appear when the snapshot function detects a network error, or when snapshot
creation is started. mac indicates the MAC address of the device that is the subject of the message,
label indicates the label identifying the device (does not appear when left blank), n indicates the port
number. Messages are not shown for devices that are not the subject of monitoring by the snapshot
[mac] label: Device status matches the snapshot.
[mac] label: An unregistered device [mac] label is connected.
[mac] label: [mac] label is not connected to port n.
[mac] label: There is a device with an incorrect connection port. Connect [mac] label to port n.
Create a snapshot.
Started creating a snapshot.
Finished creating a snapshot.
Snapshot creation canceled.
Failed to create a snapshot.
[mac] label: There is a port with an incorrect device connected. Connect [mac] label to port n.
14.2.4. Messages generated by the PoE function
The following messages appear when the PoE function detects abnormality in a power supply. mac
indicates the MAC address of the device that is the subject of the message, label indicates the label
identifying the device (does not appear when left blank), q indicates a number that represents the
power, n indicates the port number, portIp indicates the IP address of the device connected to the
port, and portMac indicates the MAC address of the device connected to the port. Messages are not
shown for devices that do not support power supply.
[mac] label: The power being supplied from Yamaha switch has exceeded the guard-band (q W).
[mac] label: The power that might be supplied exceeds q W. The power being supplied from Yamaha
switch might be interrupted according to the condition.
[mac] label: Yamaha switch has detected down of portIp (portMac).
[mac] label: Yamaha switch has detected portIp (portMac).
[mac] label: Yamaha switch has stopped supplying power to portIp (portMac).
[mac] label: Yamaha switch has started supplying power to portIp (portMac).
[mac] label: Sum of power might be supplied has exceeded the maximum power supply capacity.
[mac] label: Port (n) of the Yamaha switch stopped supplying power because the maximum power has
been exceeded.
[mac] label: The power being supplied from Yamaha switch has fallen below the guard-band (q W).
[mac] label: The power supply interruption on port (n) of the Yamaha switch was resolved.
[mac] label: Sum of power might be supplied has fallen below the maximum power supply capacity.
14. Resources
Yamaha LAN Monitor for Win User Guide | 73