
Recall Filter setting screen Chapter 6. Presets
MTX Editor User’s Manual
•[ZONE] button
If this is on, the following settings will be recalled.
1st Priority’s Priority Source, Mix Level, and Ducker
2nd Prioritys Priority Source, Mix Level, and Ducker
•Zone name
In the “MTX Configuration” dialog box, if [INPUT PORT SETUP] is changed from
“MONO x2” to “STEREO,” the setting of the [ZONE] button will follow the odd-
numbered zone.
[ZONE OUT] button
If this is on, the ZONE Out Level and on/off (mute) will be recalled.
[DCA] button (ZONE side)
If this is on, the following settings will be recalled.
ZONE Outs channel assignment to DCA or mute group
Master level of the DCA group
Master mute of the mute group
[ROUTER] button
If this is on, the router settings will be recalled.
[LEVEL]/[OUTPUT] buttons
If the [LEVEL] button is on, the output channel level and on/off (mute) settings will
be recalled.
If the [OUTPUT] button is on, the Room EQ, Delay, and Speaker Processor settings
will be recalled.
These can be specified individually for each channel.
[OUT PATCH] button
If this is on, the output patch settings and output channel names will be recalled.
[OUT PORT] button
If this is on, the output port’s output gain and polarity settings will be recalled.
[EXT. I/O YDIF] button
If this is on, settings for the audio that is output from the MTX to YDIF when in
Distribution mode will be recalled.
[DCP] button
If this is on, the parameter assignments of the DCP (digital control panel) unit
connected to the MTX will be recalled. The button shows the ID of the DCP.
[Wireless DCP] button
If this is on, the settings of the Wireless DCP will be recalled. If eight Wireless DCP
units are connected, eight units will be affected by the on/off setting.