
“Digital Control Panel” dialog box Chapter 7. Dialog boxes
MTX Editor User’s Manual
[Store] button
This button stores an item in the library. TheStore Library” dialog box will appear. If
you edit the parameters of the library item that has been recalled, the text will turn red.
The text will turn black when you store or recall the library item.
Enter a name for the library item.
You cant enter the name of an existing library item, nor can you enter a blank name.
[OK] button
Saves the library item and closes the dialog box.
•[Cancel] button
Closes the dialog box without creating a library item.
[Recall] button
When you click this button, the currently selected library item will be recalled (loaded)
as the current parameters.
[Library] list
Select the library item that you want to store or recall. The currently-recalled library
item is shown in bold characters.
By double-clicking a previously-stored library item, you can edit its name.
[Copy] button
This button copies the selected library item.
The Copy command is not available while online.
•[Paste] button
This button pastes the copied library item to the library item thats currently selected
in the list.
The Paste command is not available while online.
•[Clear] button
This button clears the contents of the library item thats currently selected in the list.
The Clear command is not available while online.