
List of settings in “Settings” dialog boxes Appendix
MTX Editor User’s Manual
Low Active
Use this if you selected [ON] or [Send ON] as the [FUNCTION].
The function will turn off when the input voltage to GPI IN rises above the center
voltage, and will turn on when it falls below the center voltage.
If you’ve selected [Input Ch Mute Group] or [Zone Out Mute Group] as the parameter
type, mute on/off will be switched.
Rising Edge
Use this if you selected [ON]/[Send ON]/[SD Play]/[Preset Recall] as the
The parameter will alternately turn on/off or play/stop etc. when the input voltage
to GPI IN changes from below the center voltage to above it.
[Preset Recall] will recall the specified preset when the input voltage changes from
below the center voltage to above it.
Falling Edge
Use this if you selected [ON]/[Send ON]/[SD Play]/[Preset Recall] as the
The parameter will alternately turn on/off or play/stop etc. when the input voltage
to GPI IN changes from above the center voltage to below it.
[Preset Recall] will recall the specified preset when the input voltage changes from
below the center voltage to above it.
If [FUNCTION] is [No Assign]
With this setting, no function will be operated by the input signal from GPI Input.
[MTX], [PARAMETER1/2], and [INPUT TYPE] will be unavailable.
If [FUNCTION] is [Level] (Cannot be set for PORT8)
The input voltage to the [GPI IN] connector will control the level of the channel.
If the maximum level cannot be reached because of the length of the cable, adjust the
maximum and minimum input voltage values in the GPI Calibration” dialog box.
Select one of the following parameter types, and then make the appropriate setting.
•Input Ch Level
•Fx RTN Level
•ZONE Out Level
GPI IN input
voltage max.
GPI IN input
voltage min.
Center voltage
GPI IN input
voltage max.
GPI IN input
voltage min.
ON/play OFF/stop ON/play
GPI IN input
voltage max.
GPI IN input
voltage min.
ON/play OFF/stop ON/play