
Workflow Chapter 1. An overview of MTX Editor
MTX Editor User’s Manual
Synchronize your computer and the devices (put them in the online state).
Click the [Online] button in the toolbar to open the Synchronization” dialog box, check
To Device, and click the [OK] button.
When the dialog box indication has switched, select the check box of the system that you
want to place online, and click the [Online] button.
In the online state, the indicator will light blue as shown below.
When online, the computers time will be sent to each device.
The Daylight Saving Time setting will reflect the “Date and Time” settings of the computer that
was used to first create the applicable project file. If you want to change the Daylight Saving
Time settings of a project file that was created on a computer for which Daylight Saving Time
was not enabled, or a computer with a different time zone setting, open the “Daylight Saving
Time” dialog box from the [System] menu and change the settings.
Edit the MTX’s ports and the XMV’s parameters
If you assigned channels of an external device or ports of an MTX unit to channels when
making internal MTX patch settings as described above, you can click the parameter recall
button of that port or external device to open an edit screen for those parameters.
For details, refer to MAIN” screen.
Save the project file.
On the [File] menu, click [Save] or [Save As] to save the project file.
If you want to apply security settings to the file, you can specify a PIN code in the “Security
Settings” dialog box which you can open from the [File] menu.