
“ROUTER” screen Chapter 4. System screen
MTX Editor User’s Manual
2 Router
This router distributes the signals. Click a square in the grid to switch the output on/
off. If you right-click, a context menu will appear, allowing you to choose [All OFF] to
turn all outputs off.
It is not possible to mix multiple zone outputs for output to a single output channel.
3 OSCILLATOR [ON] button
If this is on, a oscillator signal will be output to the corresponding channel.
However, no signal will be output unless the OSCILLATOR [ON] button at the right is
turned on.
4 OUTPUT CH [OUT] button
Accesses the CHANNEL EDIT screen of the output-destination channel.
5 OSCILLATOR setting area
If this is on, a oscillator signal will be output.
[SINE] signal frequency setting buttons
Specify the frequency of the sine wave that is output by the oscillator.
Choose [100Hz], [1 kHz], [10kHz], or [VARI].
Sine wave signal [Freq] setting knob
Adjusts the output frequency of the sine wave. This is available if you click the sine
wave [VARI] button.
[NOISE] signal setting buttons
Choose [Pink] noise or [Burst] noise.
Output [LEVEL] knob
Adjusts the level of the signal that is output from the oscillator.