
“EFFECT” screen Chapter 4. System screen
MTX Editor User’s Manual
Reverb Hall ........... Reverb that simulates an expansive space such as a concert hall.
Reverb Stage ......... Reverb that simulates a broad stage.
Karaoke Echo ....... Echo designed for karaoke use.
Vocal Echo ............ Echo designed specifically for stage vocals.
4 Effect parameter (shown only if SENDS ON FADER mode is on)
Adjusts the parameter of the effect. This will be [REVERB TIME] if the effect type is
reverb, and “DELAY TIME” if the effect type is echo.
5 [ON] button
Turns the effect send on/off.
6 Faders
When SENDS ON FADER mode is on, these adjust the effect send levels that are sent
from the input channels.
You can right-click a fader knob and set the send level by selecting 0 dB, –3 dB, –6 dB,
or –Infinity.
A grayed-out fader is shown at the position of the input level (this cannot be edited).
Making effect settings
1. Click the SENDS ON FADERS [ON]
button to turn it on.
2. Select the bus ([Fx1] or [Fx2] button) to
which the effect will be sent.
3. Select the effect type from the list.
4. Adjust the effect parameter ([REVERB TIME] or [DELAY TIME]).
5. Use the faders to adjust the send level.