User Guide

MU128 Guided Tour
How to Select a Voice
Any MU128 Voice can be selected by specifying two numbers: the bank
number and the program number.
The method of selecting Voices differs depending on the selected Sound
Module mode or Part mode. (pages 55-57.) The operation of changing the
bank number and the program number is explained first, followed by in-
structions for selecting Voices in each of the Sound Module modes.
1 From the Single Part controls of the Multi Play mode or
Performance Play mode, use the [SELECT </>] buttons to
move the cursor to the bank number parameter.
2 Change the bank number by using the [VALUE -/+] buttons
or data dial.
3 Press the [SELECT >] button once to move the cursor to the
program number parameter.
4 Select the program number by using the [VALUE -/+] buttons
or data dial.
Voices (and Voice banks) can also be selected by using the Voice Category but-
tons (page 43).
About the Parts and Voices of the MU128
Program Number