Tone Generator Owner's Manual

MU128 Guided Tour
Edit Menu Parameters
The Edit menu parameters provide more detailed and advanced controls over
the Parts. These are powerful tools that let you subtly enhance or fine-tune
the sound of a Voice — or radically change its character for some wild and
unique sounds.
Changing the Filter and EG Settings of a Part
1 Select the desired Part.
Use the [PART -/+] buttons. Also, for the sake of these in-
structions, select the “SquareLd” Voice, #081. (page 45.)
2 Call up the Edit menu.
Press the [EDIT] button.
3 Select “FILTER” in the display.
Use the [SELECT </>] buttons. The Edit menu has five items:
FILTER, EG (Envelope Generator), EQ (Equalizer), VIBRATO, and
OTHERS. The “flag” next to the item flashes when selected.
When a drum Part is selected, the EQ menu item is replaced by “DRUM.” (See
page 65 for information on editing drum Parts.)
4 Call up the Filter parameters.
Press the [ENTER] button.
Editing in the Multi Mode