User Guide

1.2.7 Expression
This message controls expression (dynamics within a
musical line) for each part.
It is used to create volume changes during a song.
Control# Parameter Data Range
11 Expression 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv EXPRESSION = OFF, that
part will not receive Expression.
1.2.8 Hold1
This message controls sustain pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
64 Hold1 0...63,64...127
When this is ON, currently-sounding notes will continue to
sound even if note-off messages are received.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv HOLD1 = OFF, that part
will not receive Hold1.
1.2.9 Portamento
This message controls portamento on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
65 Portamento 0...63, 64...127
When this is ON, the pitch will change smoothly between
notes. The time over which the pitch changes is adjusted by
Portamento Time (see 1.2.3). Also, when the Multi Part
parameter MONO/POLY MODE = MONO, the tone will
also change smoothly (legato) if Portamento = ON.
If any of the following Multi Part parameter settings apply,
that part will not receive Portamento.
1.2.10 Sostenuto
This message controls sostenuto pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
66 Sostenuto 0...63,64...127
If sostenuto is turned on while a note is sounding, that note
will be sustained until sostenuto is turned OFF.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv SOSTENUTO = OFF, that
part will not receive Sostenuto.
1.2.11 Soft Pedal
This message controls soft pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
67 Soft Pedal 0...63, 64...127
The sound will become mellower when Soft Pedal is ON.
If any of the following Multi Part parameter settings apply,
that part will not receive the Soft Pedal.
1.2.12 Harmonic Content
This message adjusts the resonance of the filter that is
specified for the sound.
Control# Parameter Data Range
71 Harmonic Content 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies a boost
or cut relative to 64.
Higher values will produce a more distinctive sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the
possible range of settings.
1.2.13 Release Time
This message adjusts the EG release time that was specified
by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
72 Release Time 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an
increase or decrease relative to 64.
Increasing this value will lengthen the release that follows a
1.2.14 Attack Time
This message adjusts the EG attack time that was specified
by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...64...127
Since this a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase
or decrease relative to 64.
Increasing this value will make the attack more gradual, and
decreasing this value will make the attack sharper.
1.2.15 Brightness
This message adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low pass
filter specified by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an
increase or decrease relative to 64.
Lower values will produce a more mellow sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the
possible range of settings.
MIDI data format