User Guide

MIDI data format
36 rr mm -- Drum high pass filter cutoff
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
48 rr mm -- Drum EQ bass gain
mm: 00 - 64 - 127 (-64...0...
49 rr mm -- Drum EQ treble gain
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
52 rr mm -- Drum EQ bass frequency
mm: 04 - 40(32...2.0k [Hz])
53 rr mm -- Drum EQ treble frequency
mm: 28 - 58(500...16.0k
MSB 14H-35H (for drums) is received when Multi Part
parameter PART MODE = DRUMS1...4.
*1 Refer to 1.2.4
*2 '--' indicates that the setting value is ignored.
*3 Adjusts the time after the note is played until vibrato
begins to take effect. The effect will begin more quickly
for higher values, and more slowly for higher values.
No effect if Bank Select MSB=127 is selected.
*4 No effect if Multi Part parameter PART MODE =
1.2.22 RPN (Registered parameter number)
This message is used to specify part parameters such as Pitch
Bend Sensitivity or Tuning etc. as an offset value.
Use RPN MSB and RPN LSB to specify the parameter that
you wish to modify, and then use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to
set the value of the specified parameter.
Control# Parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0...127
101 RPN MSB 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv RPN = OFF, that part will
not receive this message.
The following RPN messages can be received.
RPN Data Entry*1
Parameter name and value range
00 00 mm -- *2 Pitch bend sensitivity
mm: 00-24 (0...+24
Specify up to 2 octaves in
semitone steps
00 01 mm ll Fine tuning
mm ll: 00 00 -100 cents
: :
mm ll: 64 00 0 cents
: :
mm ll: 127 127 +100 cents
20 rr mm -- Drum low pass filter cutoff
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
21 rr mm --
Drum low pass filter resonance
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
22 rr mm -- Drum EG attack rate
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
23 rr mm -- Drum EG decay rate
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
The effect will apply both to
Decay 1 and 2.
24 rr mm -- Drum instrument pitch coarse
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
25 rr mm -- Drum instrument pitch fine
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 64 - 127
26 rr mm -- Drum instrument level
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 127(0...maximum)
28 rr mm -- Drum instrument panpot
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00, 01-64-127(RND,
29 rr mm -- Drum instrument reverb send
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 127(0...maximum)
30 rr mm -- Drum instrument chorus send
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 127(0...maximum)
31 rr mm -- Drum instrument variation
send level
rr: drum instrument note number
mm: 00 - 127(0...maximum)
(when Variation Connection
mm: 00, 01-127 (OFF,ON)
(when Variation Connection