User Guide

2.1.3 XG parameter change
This message sets XG-related parameters. Each message can
set a single parameter.
The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0sssssss SSH Data
: :
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the appropriate
amount of data will be transmitted as indicated by Size. XG System On
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
00000000 00H Address High
00000000 00H Address Mid
01111110 7EH Address Low
00000000 00H Data
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
When On is received, the SOUND MODULE
MODE will be set to XG.
Since approximately 50[ms] are required in order
to execute this message, please allow an
appropriate interval before transmitting the next
message. XG System parameter change
This message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer
to tables <1 -1>, <1 - 2>). Multi Effect1 parameter change
This message sets the MULTI EFFECT1 block
(refer to tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 4>). Multi EQ parameter change
This message sets the MULTI EQ block (refer to
tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 5>). Multi Effect2 parameter change
This message sets the MULTI EFFECT2 block
(refer to tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 6>). Display parameter change
This message sets the DISPLAY block (refer to
tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 7>). Multi Part parameter change
This message sets the MULTI PART block (refer
to tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 8>). AD Part parameter change
This message sets the AD PART block (refer to
tables <1 - 1> , <1 - 9>). AD System parameter change
This message sets the AD SYSTEM block (refer
to tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 10>). Drums Setup parameter change
This message sets the DRUMS SETUP block
(refer to tables <1 - 1> , <1 - 11>). Plugin board parameter change
This messages set the PLUGIN BOARD block
(refer to tables <1 - 1> , <1 - 12>).
2.1.4 MU128 native parameter change (1)
This message sets parameters unique to the MU128. Each
message sets a single parameter.
As indicated below, the message format is in common with
the MU50, MU80, MU90, and MU100.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:Device Number
01001001 49H Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0vvvvvvv VVH Data
: :
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the number of
data bytes indicated by Size are transmitted. MU128 System parameter
This message sets the SYSTEM block (refer to
tables <2 - 1>, <2 - 2>). Remote Switch
This message sets the REMOTE SWITCH block
(refer to tables <2 - 1>, <2 - 3>).
2.1.5 MU128 native parameter change (2)
This message sets parameters which are unique to the
MU128. Each message modifies a single parameter.
The format of this message is the same as for the MU90 and
MU100, as shown below.
MIDI data format