User Manual

Supplement for Qobuz
Qobuz is a streaming service that provides unlimited streaming and downloads in 24-Bit Hi-Res.
30 million titles in unparalleled sound quality, from /£9.99/month.
Free trial at
After registering this unit in the MusicCast CONTROLLER app, use the Qobuz service as follows.
1. Qobuz account sign-in
To start using the Qobuz service on this unit, sign in to
your account using the MusicCast CONTROLLER app
installed on your mobile device. Follow the instructions on
the app screen.
MusicCast CONTROLLER app
If you do not have a Qobuz account, please register your account on
the Qobuz web site in advance.
To use this feature, this unit must be registered using the MusicCast
CONTROLLER app. See the Owner’s Manual for details.
2. Playback of Qobuz content
Use the MusicCast CONTROLLER app installed on your
mobile device to select the Qobuz content.
The playback screen is displayed on the TV connected to the unit.
About this service
Service is limited to certain areas.
This service may not be available for units purchased
in some regions.
Service may change or be discontinued without notice.
Using the Qobuz service
A Qobuz account is required.
Visit for details.
Qobuz and its logo are registered trademarks of Xandrie S.A.
Manual Development Group
© 2017 Yamaha Corporation
Published 02/2017 IP-A0

Summary of content (1 pages)