User Manual

File Utility RemotePerformance Song/Pattern
MX49 MX61 MX88 Reference Manual
Utility Job
Factory Set
(Knob Function display
Determines whether the Knob Function display (which shows the functions of Knobs [A] – [D] and their
settings) is called up or not when pressing the [KNOB FUNCTION] button.
Settings: off, on
(Knob Function display
Determines whether or not the Knob Function display appears when operating the Knobs, and how long the
display will continue to be shown.
Settings: off, 1 sec, 1.5 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec, 5 sec, keep
off..................... When this selected, the display is not called up even if you operate the Knobs.
1 sec – 5 sec.... Turning one of the Knobs will cause the display to appear after an elapsed time of between
1 – 5 seconds, and then automatically close.
keep................. Operating the Knob will cause the popup to be shown continuously until you press a
StartUp Determines the default power-on Performance—letting you select which Performance is automatically
called up when you turn the power on.
Settings: 1 -128
(Auto Power Off time)
Determines the amount of time that elapses before the power is automatically turned off if the instrument is
not operated for a specified period of time. Default setting is “30min.”
Settings: off (Disables Auto Power Off), 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 120min (minutes)
You can set this parameter to “off” by holding down the lowest key on the keyboard and turning the power
on. This operation retains the “off” setting even if the power is turned off.
Parameter Description
MIDI IN/OUT Determines which physical output/input terminal(s) will be used for transmitting/receiving MIDI data.
Settings: MIDI, USB
The two types of terminals above cannot be used at the same time. Only one of them can be used to
transmit/receive MIDI data at a time.
(Local Control switch)
Determines whether or not the tone generator of the instrument responds to your keyboard playing. Normally,
this should be set to “on”—since you’ll want to hear the sound of the instrument as you play it. Even if this is
set to “off,” the data will be transmitted via MIDI. Also, the internal tone generator block will respond to
messages received via MIDI.
Settings: off (disconnect), on (connect)
(Bank Select)
Determines whether or not this instrument enables Bank Select messages to be both transmitted and
received. When this is set to “on,” this synthesizer responds to incoming Bank Select messages, and it also
transmits appropriate Bank Select messages (when using the panel).
Settings: off, on
(Program Change)
Determines whether or not this instrument enables Program Change messages to be both transmitted and
received. When this is set to “on,” this synthesizer responds to incoming Program Change messages, and it
also transmits appropriate Program Change messages (when using the panel).
Settings: off, on
Parameter Description
Knob Function display appears when pressing [KNOB FUNCTION].
Knob Function display appears when operating the Knobs.