User Manual

MX49/MX61 Reference Manual
Basic Structure
Using a Connected
Using iOS
Basic Structure
Controller Block
Tone Generator Block
Effect Block
Arpeggio Block
Playing Block
Internal Memory
MIDI/Audio Signal Flow
Connecting to a computer
Creating a Song with a
3 Use the Quick Setup function to specify the “Arp Rec” connection.
Press [UTILITY] [JOB] Select “01:QuickSetup” [ENTER] Set “Type” to “Arp Rec” [ENTER]. The
following parameters are automatically set. This setting is used for recording your performance on the instrument,
including Arpeggio data, to DAW software.
4 Set the instrument so that the Sequencer Control signals—Start, Stop, etc.—are not received
from Cubase.
Press [EXIT] twice Select “02:MIDI” Press [ENTER] “SeqCtrl” = “out” or “off”.
5 Store the settings, then return to the Performance top display.
Press [STORE], then press [EXIT] to return to the top display after Store is completed.
6 Make sure that the Layer and Split functions are off.
If the lamps of the [LAYER] button and [SPLIT] button are lit, press the buttons to turn them off.
Setting up Cubase
1 Start Cubase on your computer.
Cubase cannot recognize the MX49/MX61 if you turn the power of the MX49/MX61 on after starting Cubase. Make
sure to start Cubase after turning on the power of the MX49/MX61.
2 On Cubase, open a new project.
Select the “Empty” project in the “More” area of the Project Assistant window, and then click [Create].
3 Create a MIDI track.
Click “Project” menu “Add Track” “MIDI” [Add Track].
4 On the MIDI track, set the Input/Output Routing to disable the MIDI thru function.
Set the Input Routing to “All MIDI Input” and set the Output Routing to “Not Connected.” All MIDI data will be input
to Cubase, and MIDI track data will not be output to the MX49/MX61. Disable the MIDI thru function of the MIDI
track in order to prevent the to-be-recorded Arpeggio phrase from being output to the MX49/MX61, which would
otherwise result in a feedback loop between the instrument and the computer.
Arp Rec
DirectMonitor (Direct Monitor switch) on
LocalCtrl on
MIDI Sync auto
Clock Out off
MIDI OUT (Arpeggio MIDI output switch) on
Input Routing
Output Routing