Owner`s manual

MX49/MX61 Reference Manual
Basic Structure
Using a Connected
Using iOS
Basic Structure
Controller Block
Tone Generator Block
Effect Block
Arpeggio Block
Playing Block
Internal Memory
MIDI/Audio Signal Flow
Connecting to a computer
Creating a Song with a
5 Set the MIDI clock so that it is transmitted from Cubase to the MX49/MX61.
Click the “Transport” menu “Project Synchronization Setup” In “MIDI Clock Destinations” area, check
“Yamaha MX49/MX61 – 1,” “MIDI Clock Follows Project Position,” and “Always Send Start Message” Click [OK].
NOTE The “Send MIDI Clock in Stop Mode” setting determines whether the Arpeggio is played back when recording or playing
is stopped on Cubase (Stop mode). If you wish to playback the Arpeggio in the Stop mode, also check the “Send MIDI
Clock in Stop Mode.”
6 Record Arpeggio phrases of the MX49/MX61 to the selected MIDI track.
After setting the time position to zero, click (Record), then play the keyboard of the MX49/MX61 to playback
the Arpeggio. The Arpeggio phrases will be output as MIDI data, allowing you to record them to a MIDI track in
When you have finished the performance, click (Stop) to finish recording.
Playing the recorded Arpeggio phrases
1 Press [ARP] on the MX49/MX61 so that the lamp turns off.
The Arpeggio switch which functions for the entire Performance is set to off.
2 On the MIDI track to which the Arpeggio phrases were recorded, set the MIDI thru function to
Set the Output Routing to “Yamaha MX49/MX61-1.” The recorded MIDI data will be output to the MX49/MX61.
3 Check the recorded Arpeggio phrases.
After setting the time position to zero, click (Start).