Owner`s manual

File Utility RemotePerformance Song/Pattern
MX49/MX61 Reference Manual
Utility Job
Factory Set
Determines Controller Assign settings common to the entire system of the MX49/MX61. You can assign MIDI Control
Change Numbers to the Knobs on the front panel and external controllers. For example, you could use the ASSIGN 1
and 2 knobs to control effect depth for two different effects, while using the Foot Controller to control modulation. These
Control Change Number assignments are known as “Controller Assign.”
NOTE As for controllers that are not actually available on the instrument itself, they can be controlled by transmitting the corresponding
MIDI control number from an external MIDI controller.
Parameter Description
FS Pedal
(Foot Switch Sustain Pedal
Determines which model of an optional Foot Switch connected to the [SUSTAIN] jack is recognized.
When the FC3 is used:
When you connect an optional FC3 (compatible with the Half Damper feature) for producing the special
Half Damper effect (as on a real acoustic piano), set this parameter to “FC3 (Half on).” If you don’t need
the Half Damper feature or want to disable it while still using an FC3, set this parameter to “FC3 (Half off).”
When the FC4 or FC5 is used:
Select “FC4/5.” The FC4 and FC5 are not compatible with the Half Damper feature.
Settings: FC3 (Half on), FC3 (Half off), FC4/5
Note that this setting is not necessary when controlling the Half Damper feature via Control Change
messages from an external MIDI device to the instrument.
(Foot switch Control
Determines the Control Change number generated by using a Footswitch connected to the [SUSTAIN]
jack. Keep in mind that if the same MIDI Control Change messages set here are received from an
external device, the internal tone generator also responds to those messages as if the Footswitch of the
instrument itself was used.
Settings: off, 1 – 95, arp sw, play/stop, PC inc, PC dec, octave reset
An FC4 or FC5 connected to the [SUSTAIN] jack can be used to start and stop the Song/Pattern by
setting this parameter to “Play/Stop.” Also, an FC4 or FC5 can be used to switch Performances by setting
this parameter to “PC inc”/”PC dec.” Keep in mind that the sustain function cannot be used in these
(Assign 1 Control number)
(Assign 2 Control Number)
Determines the Control Change number generated when you use the ASSIGN 1/2 knobs. Keep in mind
that if the same MIDI Control Change messages set here are received from an external device, the
internal tone generator also responds to those messages as if the ASSIGN 1/2 knobs of the instrument
itself were used.
Settings: off, 1 – 95
(Foot Controller 1 Control
Determines the Control Change number generated when you use the Foot Controller connected to the
[FOOT CONTROLLER] jack. Keep in mind that if the same MIDI Control Change messages set here are
received from an external device, the internal tone generator also responds to those messages as if the
Foot Controller of the instrument itself was used.
Settings: off, 1 – 95
(Foot Controller 2 Control
Determines the Control Change number corresponding to a Foot Controller 2 on an external device
connected to the MX49/MX61.
Settings: off, 1 – 95
(Ribbon Controller Control
Determines the Control Change number corresponding to a Ribbon Controller on an external device
connected to the MX49/MX61.
Settings: off, 1 – 95
(Breath Controller Control
Determines the Control Change number generated when you use a Breath Controller on an external
device connected to the MX49/MX61.
Settings: off, 1 – 95
(Assignable Function 1
Control Number)
(Assignable Function 2
Control Number)
Determines the Control Change number generated when you use Assignable Function 1/2 buttons on an
external device connected to the MX49/MX61.
Settings: off, 1 – 95