Quick Guide

CobraNet Discovery Quick Guide (For CobraNet Compatible product from Yamaha)
3. Audio Routing Between CobraNet Devices
The procedure for setting up audio routing via CobraNet Discovery is described below. For this example
we’ll route the channel 1 through 8 outputs from the MY16-CII card installed in the LS9-16 console to
DME4io-C inputs 1 through 8.
3-1. Sampling Frequency and Latency Settings
The sampling frequency and latency of the transmitting and receiving devices must be set to the same
3-1-1. Transmitting DeviceMY16-CIISettings
1 Select the MY16-CII in the Discovery window, then select [Configure…] from the [Tools] menu.
2 Click [Advanced].
The “Advanced Configuration” dialog box will appear.