User Manual

DME Designer Owner’s Manual
SP2060 Data Structure
Common Overall Data
Scene Link Settings Settings required for linked scene operation between multiple devices.
Data for Each Device
Scenes The information required to switch audio data processing setups.
Scenes include configurations and preset data, The last Library name
recalled is specified.
The Scene Manager facilitates registration and management of scene
Up to 99 scenes can be registered for 12 preset areas and 87 user
areas, and registered scenes are managed by their scene numbers.
Configurations A combination of the audio signal processing, audio input/output, and
external device control components and their interconnections, created
to create the desired audio system.
Local Parameter Link
Settings that allow linked operation between similar types of internal
SP2060 parameters.
Preset Parameters The settings for the components in a configuration.
Audio processing setups can be switched by changing the preset
Preset parameters can be recalled by SP2060 units, but not edited.
Data for Each Component
Library Settings specific to the speakers to be used.
In addition to the preset data provided, settings can be created by the
DME Designer.