User Manual

DME Setup Manual 7
Connecting a single DME unit directly to a computer via USB cable
This section covers the most basic configuration – that is, using a single computer to control a single DME unit.
1 Preparation
Before launching DME Designer, it is critical that the DME unit is turned on and then connected to the computer
using a USB cable.
1-1 Once the DME unit has been connected, launch DME Designer.
When DME Designer is launched a new project is created and a new zone is displayed in the designer
1-2 Place the desired DME unit in the designer window.
Double-click a connected DME unit shown in the list on the left side of the display (in this
case a DME24N), or select a DME unit and drag-and-drop it into the designer window.
Basic Setup
USB cable
Main Panel window
Designer window
Drag and drop