User manual

Advanced option of the Dante™ controller
Next tab (Device Status) shows some generic information on the devices like Name, Type
(should be always Bklyn2 with NXDT104), the version of the Dante™ firmware (3.5.3 is the
last and only one at the moment of writing), the IP address and Link Speed for each
Primary and Secodary port.
NB: When used in Switched mode (default mode), the Secondary Address and Secondary
link speed is grayed.
This tab is useful to have a global view of the Dante™ devices on the network: Check that
all devices have an IP address assign.
NB: NXDT104, like all Dante™ compatible devices, supports Zeroconf protocols, meaning
that you don’t have to enter any IP address manually. If a DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) server is available on the network, it will assign IP addresses to
Dante™ devices, if not, they will find a unique and unused IP address by themselves.
WARNING! Some manufacturers use some proprietary software layer on top of
standard Dante™ set of protocols which sometimes does not support the use of external
DHCP server. We recommend letting the Dante™ devices in self-addressing mode,
meaning that you should not connect any DHCP server to the network, to ensure best
compatibility with other manufacturers Dante™ devices.
NB: You can guess if the address given to a Dante™ device is from a DHCP server on the
network or from the device itself using Zeroconf, by checking the first digit of the address.
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