User manual

The IP address when the device is in auto configuration mode is whereas
most of the time the local address when a local DHCP is used is or or
Next tab (Clock Status) will show you which device is the Master clock of the network.
There is no obvious reason to set up a NXAMP as a Master clock (the ‘heart’ of the system
being a mixing desk in most of the cases) but this could still be done eventually. You can
check the “Preferred Master” box, meaning that if the Dante™ Controller has to select a
Master Clock, the “Preferred Master” devices will be chosen preferentially.
Last tab (Events) shows information log on the network status that can be useful for
Device View
When the name of a Dante™ device is double click in the Dante™ controller, a new window
called Device View will open. This new windows offers more information on a particular
The first tab (Receive) allows checking which Dante™ device will send audio to the current
NXAMP. It is also the only place where you can Unsubscribe (by pressing the button in the
bottom of the window) meaning releasing the patch between a sender and a receiver. This
is useful when you want to remove unwanted error message in the Dante™ Controller
because of old route not used anymore.
The second tab (Transmit) is grayed because a NXAMP cannot send audio data on a
Dante™ network. Next tab is Status where you will have information about bandwidth
used and error counters on each network ports as well as software revision.
Next Device Config tab is a very important tab where you can adjust the Receive Latency.
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