User manual

Select your cabinet set-up
In the Options menu, choose Systm Config, and you will be able to choose among the
different set-ups within the same cabinet family. (i.e. you don't have to modify the
amplifier to cabinet wiring). Press All button and all setups will be available for selection.
Using the amplifier without the TDcontroller functionality
If you want to use the amplifier without the TDcontroller, just choose the “FLAT mode”
setup. In this mode, no EQ and no protection is applied to the cabinets. Please note that
the amplifier will still have 0.5 ms analog input to analog output latency in that mode
(warning, this latency is not the same than a NX242 TDcontroller in flat mode, see
introduction for compensating values).
In Flat mode, full amplifier digital protections are still available, and some functionality like
volume control, input patching, mute, delay, gain and ArrayEQ are working. Remote
control can be used as well.
Back to default
Startup the amplifier with the ‘Select CH1’ button down and you will have the possibility
to reset the settings to default (except if the local controls have been locked, see further).
Auto save
The current set-up is automatically saved three seconds after the last change of a
parameter. At power up the last saved settings are restored.
Enter the download mode
Keep the ‘Mute 1’ button down during boot up will enter the download mode. See further
for connection to the computer and download software (Nxwin) description.
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