User manual

Pin Name In/Out
Meaning when set to 0
Meaning when set to 1
GPInput 1 In CH 1 unmuted CH 1 muted
GPInput 2 In CH 2 unmuted CH 2 muted
GPInput 3 In CH 3 unmuted CH 3 muted
GPInput 4 In CH 4 unmuted CH 4 muted
GPInput 5 In NXAMP is ON NXAMP is in Stand-by
GPOutput 1 Out CH 1 no current out CH 1 current out
GPOutput 2 Out CH 2 no current out CH 2 current out
GPOutput 3 Out CH 3 no current out CH 3 current out
GPOutput 4 Out CH 4 no current out CH 4 current out
GPOutput 5 Out CH 1 no clip/protect CH 1 clip or protect
GPOutput 6 Out CH 2 no clip/protect CH 2 clip or protect
GPOutput 7 Out CH 3 no clip/protect CH 3 clip or protect
GPOutput 8 Out CH 4 no clip/protect CH 4 clip or protect
If GPInput1 is ‘High’, Channel 1 will be muted. If GPInput1 is ‘Low’, Channel 1 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput2 is ‘High’, Channel 2 will be muted. If GPInput2 is ‘Low’, Channel 2 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput3 is ‘High’, Channel 3 will be muted. If GPInput3 is ‘Low’, Channel 3 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput4 is ‘High’, Channel 4 will be muted. If GPInput4 is ‘Low’, Channel 4 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput5 is ‘High’, Amplifier will go to Stand-by mode. If GPinput5 is ‘Low’, Amplifier will
go back to running mode.
GPOutput1 to 4 reflects the "Signal" LED on the front panel (meaning current flowing on
the output). It will be possible to select a threshold in a next release (a Pilot Tone
generator will be implemented also). The GPOutput5 to 8 reflects the "Protect" OR the
"Peak" signal for each channel.
GPIO mode 2 (Installer mode)
This mode is intended to be used with permanentlyHigh orLow state signals. A state is
validated when the state of the pin has changed and is stable for 1 second. There is an
action depending on the state of each GPI. Here is the detail:
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