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Genos Reference Manual 87
MIDI Song Recording/Editing
Example of Step Recording—Melodies
This section describes the instructions on inputting the melodies of the above notation via the Step Recording. Before
starting, note the following points:
To input the note with the tie in step 4, you need to operate without releasing the key. Proceed with the operations,
reading the instructions carefully.
Before inputting notes as described below, select the desired Voice by pressing the [VOICE] button to call up the
Voice Selection display. Even if it has already been selected, you need to re-select the same Voice to input the Voice
number to the Event List. Keep in mind that only note and Voice selection events can be input with Step Recording.
1 Enter the first and second notes with a slur.
Touch [Velocity] to select “ .
1-2 Touch [Length] to select “99% (Tenuto).
1-3 Touch [Note Type] once or twice to call up the dotted note type.
1-4 Touch the dotted quarter-note length ( ) to turn it on.
1-5 Press the C3 key.
With the operations above, the first note has been entered. Next, enter the second note.
1-6 Touch [Note Type] once or twice to call up the normal note indications.
1-7 Touch the eighth-note length ( ) to turn it on.
1-8 Press the D3 key.
The first and second notes are entered with a slur.
2 Enter the next notes with staccato.
Touch [Length] to select “40% (Staccato).
2-2 Touch the quarter-note length ( ) to turn it on.
2-3 Play the keys E3 and F3 in order.
The first measure has been completed.
The illustration given here is just a sample. Since the music score (called up via [MENU] [Score]) is generated from recorded MIDI data, it may not appear exactly the
same as shown above. Non-note musical performance symbols will not be shown in the Score display, even if you’ve entered them.
The [VOICE] button functions differently on the Step Edit display; it is not used here to call up the Voice Part Setup display.
* The numbers shown in the illustration correspond to
the following operation step numbers.