User Manual

Genos Reference Manual 35
On the pop-up window called up by touching (Menu) on the Voice Selection display, you can make the following
Voice Selection Display-related Settings
Category Determines how the Voice category page is opened when a Voice category is selected.
Open & Select: Opens the page with the previously selected Voice in the Voice category automat-
ically selected.
Open Only: Opens the page with the currently selected Voice.
Voice Number Determines whether or not the Voice bank and number are shown in the Voice Selection display.
This is useful when you want to check which bank select MSB/LSB values and program change
number you need to specify when selecting the Voice from an external MIDI device.
The [Voice Edit], [Mixer] and [Voice Setting] menus are the same as those in the Menu display called up via the [MENU] button.
The numbers displayed here start from “1.” Accordingly the actual MIDI program change numbers are one lower, since that
number system starts from “0.”