User Manual

Genos Owner’s Manual 61
Playing with Styles—Setups
Transposing the pitch in semitones (TRANSPOSE [-]/[+]buttons)
The TRANSPOSE [-]/[+] buttons transpose the overall pitch of the instrument (the key-
board sound, Style playback, MIDI Song playback, and so on) in semitone steps (from -12
to 12). To instantly reset the transpose value to 0, press the [-] and [+] buttons simultane-
You can independently select the part to be transposed as desired. Touch the Transpose
pop-up several times until the desired part appears, then use the TRANSPOSE [-]/[+] but-
tons to transpose it.
Transposing the pitch in octave (UPPER OCTAVE [-]/[+] buttons)
The UPPER OCTAVE [-]/[+] buttons allow you to shift the pitch of the Right 1–3 parts up or down by one octave. To
instantly reset the octave value to 0, press the [-] and [+] buttons simultaneously.
Changing the Pitch of the Keyboard
If you want to transpose the pitch of
the Audio Song, use the Pitch Shift
parameter on page 80.
The Transpose functions do not affect
the Drum Kit or SFX Kit Voices.
Transpose can be done on the display
also via [MENU] [Transpose]. For
details, refer to the Reference Manual on
the website.
Master Transposes the pitch of the entire sound, with the exception of the Audio
Song and input sound from a microphone or the AUX IN jacks.
Keyboard Transposing the keyboard pitch including the chord root for triggering
Style Playback.
Song Transposes the pitch of the MIDI Song.
Fine Tuning the Pitch
By default, the pitch of the entire instrument is set to 440.0 Hz according to equal tem-
perament. This setup can be changed from the display called up via [MENU] [Mas-
ter Tune]. For details, refer to the Reference Manual on the website.