User Manual

Genos Owner’s Manual 67
Playing with Styles—Operations While Performing
Applying sustain to the RIGHT 1–3 Voices
The [SUSTAIN] button turns the Sustain function on and off. When on, all notes played
on the keyboard with the right-hand parts (RIGHT 1, 2, 3) have a longer sustain.
The Super Articulation Voices (S.Art Voices and S.Art2 Voices) enable you to create sub-
tle, very realistic expressive nuances, simply by how you play. The Voice type (S.Art,
S.Art2) is indicated above the name of Super Articulation Voices, on the Voice Selection
display. Moreover, with the [ART. 1]/[ART. 2]/[ART. 3] buttons in this instrument, you
can add those expressive nuances by simply pressing a single button.
Automatic articulation effects of Super Articulation Voices
S.Art Voices
The S.Art Voices provide many benefits with great playability and expressive real-time control.
Example: Saxophone Voice
If you play a C note and then an adjacent D in a very legato way, you will hear the note
change seamlessly, as though a saxophone player played it in a single breath.
Example: Concert Guitar Voice
If you play a C note and then the E just above in a very legato but firm way, the pitch
slides up from C to E.
Holding the Modulation value (MODULATION HOLD)
The Joystick is self-centering when released. However, you can hold the current Modula-
tion value by pressing the [MODULATION HOLD] button.
If the [MODULATION HOLD] button is turned on while the Joystick is moved, the
Modulation value (Y-axis value) is fixed and held even after the Joystick is released.
If the [MODULATION HOLD] button is turned off, the Modulation value returns to
the default value for the Voice of each Part. (The position of the Joystick at that time is
When the Voice of one of the keyboard parts is set, the [MODULATION HOLD] button will be turned off automatically, and
then the Modulation (+) and Modulation (-) parameters will be reset.
Playing and Controlling Super Articulation Voices
The applied articulation effect differs
depending on the selected Voice. For
details, refer to the Data List on the web-