User Manual

Table Of Contents
Vocal Harmony Parameter List / Liste der Vokalharmonie-Parameter / Liste des paramètres liés à l’harmonie vocale / Elenco dei parametri di armonia vocale / Vocal Harmony
Parameter-lijst / Lista parametrów harmonii wokalnej
Genos Data List
Vocal Effect Type List
Harmony Assign Parameters (for Vocal Harmony Types)
ScaleDiatonic This generates harmonies based on the scale specified by the KEY ROOT/TYPE value and the degree specified by the DEGREE value. The harmonies are not
dependent on a chord. If there are many notes, the chord feeling intensifies, so it is suitable for use as duets, fixed at a third above. This setting is good for
modal church music or modal jazz.
Parallel This can reproduce harmonies for which semitone pitches are fixed 4th build or diminished sounds, for example. This setting is good, for example, in modal
jazz scales (when you want to eliminate chordal feeling) or in progressive music.
Type Name Description MSB LSB
Romantic Reverb Long reverb for vocal part. Romantic image. 10
80s Pop Reverb Long reverb for vocal part. 80's pop image. 116
Room Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 20
Concert Stage Reverb simulating the concert stage. 30
Plate Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit. 40
Vocal Doubler Immediate delay with center focused feeling. 516
Stereo Spread Immediate delay with spread feeling. 517
Delay Produces simple delayed sounds: L,R, and C (center). 50
Short Delay Produces short delayed sound with narrow image. 51
Rock & Roll Delay Produces slap back echo sound. Good for Rock&Roll music. 5 18
Cross Delay The feedback of the two delayed sounds is crossed. 80
Tempo Delay Tempo-synchronized delay. 21 0
Tempo Cross Delay Tempo-synchronized cross delay. 22 0
Chorus Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing. 66 0
EQ Hi-Fi Equalizer effect that boosts both high and low frequencies. 76 16
EQ TEL Equalizer effect that cuts both high and low frequencies. 76 0
Gramophone Produces Lo-Fi sound with gramophone image. 94 0
Robot Produces Lo-Fi sound with robotic image. 94 16
Overdriven Produces overdriven sound. Good for rock and dance music. 98 0
Scream & Shout Produces heavy distorted sound. 98 16
Tempo Flanger Tempo-synchronized flanger. 107 0
Tempo Phaser Tempo-synchronized phaser. 108 0
Tempo Auto Pan Tempo-synchronized auto pan. 121 0
No Effect No effect. 00
Parameter Value Description
Transpose Mode 0 Assigns the harmony to the octave range centered around the pitch of the played note.
* These are effective only when
Vocoder or Vocoder-Mono is
selected in Mode.
Auto Assigns the harmony to the same octave range as the vocal (microphone) input.
-3 Assigns the harmony to a range roughly 3 octaves below the pitch of the played note.
-2 Assigns the harmony to a range roughly 2 octaves below the pitch of the played note.
-1 Assigns the harmony to a range roughly 1 octave below the pitch of the played note.
1 Assigns the harmony to a range roughly 1 octave above the pitch of the played note.
2 Assigns the harmony to a range roughly 2 octaves above the pitch of the played note.
3 Assigns the harmony to a range roughly 3 octaves above the pitch of the played note.
Session Table Normal The chord designation is used as shown. This is for general use in conventional music genres.
* These are effective only when a
Chordal Type other than Scale
Diatonic or Parallel is selected.
Simple Tends to add a simpler harmony. Use this when you need simple accompaniment.
R&R Tends to add harmony with a strong major 6th in both major and minor triads. This is good with rock ‘n’ roll music.
UrbanA Tends to add harmony with a strong major 6th to the major triad and a minor 7th to the minor triad. This is good for a sophisticated,
urban feel.
UrbanB Tends to add harmony with a strong major 7th to the major triad and a minor 7th to the minor triad. This is good for a sophisticated,
urban feel.
Blues7 Tends to add harmony with a strong minor 7th. This is good for blues music.
UrbanC Tends to add harmony with a strong major 9th to both the major and minor triads. This is good for a sophisticated, urban feel.
Key Root C Determines the root key for the transposition. Use this in combination with Key Type below to enable modal scale harmony
* These are effective only When
the Chordal Type parameter is
set to Scale Diatonic.
Key Type Maj Determines the scale type for the transposition. Use this in combination with Key Root above to enable modal scale harmony
* These are effective only When
the Chordal Type parameter is
set to Scale Diatonic.
Type Name Description