User Manual

Playing Songs
P-255 Owner’s Manual
Part Cancel (MIDI songs)
Your digital piano’s Preset Songs and certain other
MIDI songs are divided into left-hand and right-hand
parts. When playing this type of song, you can turn off
either of these parts as described below to practice
playing it yourself. Practicing parts individually in
this way makes it easier to master difficult pieces.
Turn off the part you wish to practice.
When a song with left-hand and right-hand-parts
is selected, both the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] buttons
will light up. To turn off one of these parts, press
the corresponding button and verify that its light
goes out. You can toggle each part on and off
using the corresponding button.
Start the song.
Press the [PLAY/STOP] button to start playback.
Practice the part you just turned off using the other
part as a guide.
Stop playback.
A song will stop automatically after playing to the
end, and in such a case, the playback position will
be returned to the start of the song. Press the
[PLAY/STOP] button if you want to stop the song
before it reaches the end.
A-B Repeat (MIDI songs)
Using your digital piano’s A-B Repeat function as
described below, you can loop playback in a specific
region of a MIDI song. This can be extremely useful
when practicing difficult pieces. In addition, you can
also turn off individual parts as described above when
using this function.
Play the song and set the start point (A)
and end point (B) of the loop.
Select and start the song you wish to practice. As
you listen, set the A point by pressing the [PLAY/
STOP] button with the [FUNCTION] button held
down. The message “A-” will be shown on the
display to indicate that the A point has been set.
Following this, set the B point by again pressing
the [PLAY/STOP] button with the [FUNCTION]
button held down. The message “A-b” will be
shown on the display to indicate that the A and B
points have been set. In addition, playback will
return to the A point at this time and looping will
begin automatically.
Stop playback.
When you stop the song using the [PLAY/STOP]
button, the A and B point settings will be retained.
Canceling the A and B point settings
To remove both the A and B points, again press
the [PLAY/STOP] button with the [FUNCTION]
button held down. You can also cancel these set-
tings by selecting a different song.
Convenient playback functions
• The left- and right-hand parts can also be toggled on and off during play-
When another song is selected, both the left-hand and right-hand parts will
be automatically turned on.
• A-B Repeat cannot be used together with a rhythm track. The A and B
points will be removed from a song if a rhythm track is turned on.
• You can press the [FUNCTION] button while looping in order to show the
current playback volume for MIDI songs (page 22). Press the [FUNCTION]
button once again to return the display to normal.
Looping from the beginning of a song:
If you wish to set the A point at the beginning of a song, press the [PLAY/
STOP] button with the [FUNCTION] button held down before starting playback.
Looping to the end of a song:
If you wish to set the B point at the end of the song, set the A point in the
normal fashion and let the song play to the end. The B point will then be
automatically set at the end.
Signaling return from B to A
When playback reaches the B point with A-B Repeat activated, a click
sound will be played before returning to the A point in order to help you
stay in time.