User Manual

System Menu
P-515 Owner’s Manual
MIDI MIDI OUT (Setting display) Determines the MIDI channel on which the MIDI
messages generated via the keyboard performance will
be transmitted from the MIDI [OUT] or [USB TO HOST]
terminal. When Dual/Split/Duo is on, the MIDI channels
are assigned as follows.
Performance via the R1 Voice = n (setting value)
Performance via the R2 Voice = n+2
Performance via the L Voice = n+1
Ch1 Ch1 – Ch16, Off
(not transmitted)
MIDI IN (Setting display) Determines which part of the instrument will be
controlled by each channel data of the MIDI messages
coming from the MIDI [IN] and [USB TO HOST] terminal.
Song: Song part is controlled by the MIDI messages.
Keyboard: The entire keyboard is controlled
regardless of the Dual/Split/Duo setting.
R1: The keyboard performance via the R1 Voice is
R2: The keyboard performance via the R2 Voice is
L: The keyboard performance via the L Voice is
Off: No part is controlled.
“Song” for each of
all MIDI channels
For each MIDI
Local Control “Local Control On” is a state in which this instrument
produces the sound from its tone generator when you
play the keyboard. In “Local Control Off” state, the
keyboard and the tone generator are cut off from each
other. This means that even if you play the keyboard,
this instrument will produce no sound. Instead, the
keyboard data can be transmitted via MIDI to a
connected MIDI device or computer, which can
produce the sound. The “Local Control Off” setting is
useful when you wish to play only an external sound
source while playing the keys on this instrument.
On On, Off
Receive Param. (Setting display) Determines which types of MIDI messages can be
received or recognized by this instrument.
MIDI message types:
Note on/off, Control Change, Program Change, Pitch
Bend, System Exclusive
On (for all the
MIDI messages)
On, Off (for each
MIDI message)
Transmit Param. (Setting display) Determines which types of MIDI messages can be
transmitted from this instrument.
MIDI message types:
Note on/off, Control Change, Program Change, Pitch
Bend, SystemRealTime, System Exclusive
On (for all the
On, Off (for each
Initial Setup Cancel Transmits the current panel settings such as Voice
selection to a connected MIDI device or computer.
Before you start recording your performance to a
connected MIDI device or computer, execute this
operation to record the current panel settings at the
beginning of your performance data. It causes that the
same panel settings are called up when the recorded
performance is played back.
Move the highlight to “Execute,” then press the [>]
button to transmit the panel settings as MIDI messages.
Backup Backup Setting For instructions about these functions, refer to pages
105 – 106.
Factory Reset
To call up the desired parameter:
Press the [FUNCTION] button several times to select “System” menu, then use the [u]/[d]/[<]/[>] buttons to select the desired
Description Default setting Setting range