User Manual

Bessl (Bessel)
This provides a curve that emphasizes phase response, and although the attenuation is more gradual than
Butterworth, there is no waveform distortion when a square wave is sent through.
L-R (Linkwitz-Riley)
The filter order is a power of two, and the response is such that when the output of the LPF and HPF are voltage-
summed, the gain of all frequency bands is 0 dB. The passband is flat, but the gain at the cutoff frequency is -6
This selects the polarity. If you select INVERTED, a Φ symbol is shown in the HOME screen.
8.6.5. DELAY
Here you can specify the delay time for the speaker processor’s speaker delay.
This turns the delay on/off.
TIME [ms]
This specifies the delay time in millisecond units.
This indicates the delay time as a distance (units of meters and feet) linked with TIME.
8.6.6. EQ
Here you can edit the parameters of the speaker processor’s 16-band PEQ.
Channel indication
This indicates the channel to which the EQ applies. Use the channel select keys of the panel to select the channel
8. PROCESSING screen
PC412-D PC412-DI PC406-D PC406-DI Owner’s Manual | 49