
Volume: Modular Synthesis Plug-in System PLG100-XG
Power User
PLG100-XG: XG/GM Multi-Part Board
The PLG100-XG board is a 16-part multi-
timbral synthesizer. Sounds are accessed via
PERFORMANCE Mode as Parts 17-32 when used
in the S30/80 and CS6x/6R synthesizers (S/CS).
The board must be installed in slot 2. (Slot 1 on
the S30, which has only one slot). The PLG100-
XG board is unique and behaves differently than
the other PLG series boards. Even if you are
familiar with one or more of the PLG series you
will want to pay close attention to how this board
works within the S/CS products.
You select and play the PLG100-XG
sounds normally from Performance Edit mode.
Because the board is multi-timbral and built for
sequencing and sequence playback, you do not
access it from Voice mode. The PLG100-XG is
multi-timbral and like the internal S80, the mulit-
timbral mode is Performance mode.
The PLG100-XG Voices occupy MIDI
channels 1-16. But, hey so do the Internal Parts.
How do you not play both simultaneously?
First, press the [UTILITY] button and set
the main Receive Channel OFF (also called the
Basic Channel).
v MIDI Ch) Recv Trans Local DevNo
Sys off 1 on all
Fig: The Receive channel parameter is automatically
set to off when a GM/XG Reset command is received
and the INTERNAL PART parameter is set to ALL OFF
(the default condition).
To audition the sounds on the board:
Select any Performance
Press [EDIT]
Use Knob ‘A’ to select Part 17; Knob ‘C’ to
advance through the sounds.
6MIX Vce) Bank Number
Part17 NORM/0004001(A01) [--:GrandPno]
If you are hearing two parts layered this is because
both Part 1 and Part 17 default to the same MIDI
channel (1) and by default you are probably
transmitting on channel 1. If you wish to isolate
just the XG sounds, turn the basic MIDI receive
channel OFF. The basic Receive Channel is found
under [UTLITY]. (More on this later).
When you have a PLG100-XG board installed in a
host keyboard product you may want to turn the
basic Receive channel OFF. The advantages are
that you will be able to play just the PLG100-XG
sounds when you select them via Performance
Edit and they will not play in the background
when you want to play your internal Performance
Layers from Performance Play mode.
The way that the PLG100-XG works, you
can use any Performance to access the XG
sounds. They are separate from the rest of your
S/CS sounds. The GM/XG reset command in
conjunction with the INTERNAL PART
parameter (discussed in detail later in this
article) will automatically turn off unwanted parts
according to 3 different templates.
Now let’s see how the Multi-timbral capability of
the S/CS series works wen you add a multi-part
board. The S30, S80, CS6x and CS6R are 16
MIDI channel systems. You have access to your
sounds in as a multi-timbral setup (called
Performance) via what are called PARTS. AWM2
sounds from [PRE1], [PRE2], [INT], and [EXT]
occupy Part01 through Part16. You may be
familiar with the PLG150 series boards (AN, DX,
PF and VL), which add a single PART to either
[PLG1] or [PLG2] as PartP1 and PartP2,
respectively. (Single part means they are only
capable of contributing a single sound at a time).
The PLG100-XG board is a multi-part board that
adds 16 additional AWM2 Parts to the system. A
Part is assigned a MIDI channel and you can
place as many Parts on a single MIDI channel as
you require. A Part can be key limited, velocity
limited, and edited as you deem necessary.
The purpose of the XG/GM board is principally to
playback MIDI song files that have been
specifically prepared to take advantage of the
XG/GM sound set and protocol. These prepared
XG/GM files will automatically setup and recall
the proper Voices and effects. It is important to
understand that although there are now 32
Parts, there are still only 16 MIDI channels in

Summary of content (6 pages)