User Manual

Chapter 4. Basic operation for input channels
3. Use the on-screen ON/OFF buttons to switch the
signal sent from each input channel to the MIX bus
In the case of a FIX type MIX bus, this is all you need
to do for the nominal-level signal of each channel to
be sent to the corresponding MIX bus.
The signal that is sent from each input channel to the
MIX bus cannot be switched on/off by operations in
the INPUT block/ST IN block.
If Recall Safe is specified for only one of two adja-
cent odd-numberedeven-numbered MIX chan-
nels, it is possible that the VARI/FIX settings may
differ between the odd-numbered and even-num-
bered channels after a scene is recalled. In such
cases, the settings after the recall will take priority.
4. Use the on-screen PRE/POST buttons to select the
location (PRE/POST) from which the signal of each
input channel will be sent to the VARI type MIX
If POST is selected, the post-fader signal will be sent.
If PRE is selected, you can also use the buttons of the
VARI & FIX section (located at the bottom of the
screen) to select either PRE FADER or PRE EQ.
VARI & FIX section
In addition, the CH to MIX screen allows you to
make various settings, such as to specify pairing for
adjacent odd-numbered even-numbered MIX
buses, and to cause the [PAN] encoder of the input
channel be reflected for the MIX bus as well. For
details refer to “CS1D Reference Manual (Software).
5. In the INPUT block MIX SEND section, use the [/
DEC]/[/INC] switches to select a MIX bus that
you set to the VARI type.
If you wish to use the INPUT block to adjust the
send level to a VARI type MIX bus, you must first use
the MIX SEND section to select the MIX bus that
will be affected.