User Manual

CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)
I ST IN [DCA] switch and LEDs
This switch assigns the ST IN channel to DCA
groups 1–12.
When a ST IN channel is assigned to a DCA group,
the corresponding LED will light. The LED will blink
while you are in the process of making assignments
to a DCA group.
It is possible to assign a single ST IN channel to mul-
tiple DCA groups, as well as to assign multiple ST IN
channels to a single DCA group.
Assigning a ST IN channel to a DCA group
1. In the DCA GROUP block, press one of the
[ASSIGN DCA] switches 1–12 to select a DCA
group (1–12).
The LED of the selected [ASSIGN DCA] switch will
If following step 1 you do not perform any action
for approximately ten seconds, the [ASSIGN DCA]
switch LED will automatically go dark, and the
assignment procedure will be terminated.
2. In the ST IN block, press the ST IN [DCA] switch
for the ST IN channel that you wish to assign to the
above-selected DCA group.
While the DCA GROUP block [ASSIGN DCA]
switch LED is lit, all of the INPUT [DCA] LEDs
assigned to that DCA group will blink.
DCA groups 9–12 can be used for either input chan-
nels or output channels. However, it is not possible
to assign both inputs and outputs to the same DCA
group. For this reason, if an output channel is already
assigned to DCA group 9–12, attempting to assign an
input channel will cause an error message to be dis-
played, and you will not be able to do so.
When a scene is recalled, the DCA group data of
recall safe channels may be adjusted so that recall safe
settings are consistent within DCA groups 9–12.
Also when a channel library is recalled, the data
recalled to a channel may be adjusted so that settings
are consistent within DCA groups 9–12.
This LED will light if the ST IN channel has been set
to Recall Safe (a state in which the channel is unaf-
fected by scene recall operations).
The parameters of a channel for which this LED is lit
will not change when a scene memory is recalled.
Recall Safe settings can be made in the SELECTED
INPUT CHANNEL block or display (SCENE func-
tion RECALL SAFE screen).
This LED will light if the ST IN channel has been set
to Mute Safe (a state in which the channel is unaf-
fected by mute group operations).
A channel for which this LED is lit will not be
affected even if a mute group to which it belongs is
Mute Safe settings can be made in the SELECTED
INPUT CHANNEL block or display (IN DCA/
MUTE function MUTE GROUP ASSIGN screen).
L [CUE] switch and LED
This switch is used for monitoring the ST IN chan-
When this switch is pressed, the POST PAN, PFL
(pre-fader listen), or AFL (after-fader listen) signal of
the corresponding ST IN channel will be sent to the
CUE bus, and can be monitored from the CUE OUT
jacks, MONITOR OUT jacks A, and PHONES jack.
The location of the signal that is sent to the CUE bus
and the monitoring method can be selected on the
console in the CUE section of the MASTER block, or
in the display (MON/CUE function CUE/SOLO
For the signal flow of the ST IN channel, refer to the
block diagram on page 38.