User Manual

CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)
If the bands of the internal graphic EQ are assigned
to the DCA faders, the upper row of indicators will
display the frequency of the corresponding band, and
the lower row will display the gain value.
2 DCA [MUTE] switch and LED
This switch mutes the corresponding DCA group 1–
When you press this switch, the DCA [MUTE] LED
will light, and the input channels/output channels
included in that DCA group will be set to the same
status as if the DCA fader were set to the minimum
level (– dB).
When you press the switch once again, the DCA
[MUTE] LED will go dark, and muting will be can-
The DCA [MUTE] switch and LED will have no
effect if input channels or output channels are
directly assigned to the DCA faders, or if the graphic
EQ is assigned.
Be careful not to confuse muting performed by the
DCA [MUTE] switch with mute groups (per-
formed in the MASTER block SCENE MEMORY
The operation of the DCA [MUTE] switch is iden-
tical to the MUTE button in the IN DCA/MUTE
function DCA ASSIGN screen and the OUT DCA/
MUTE function DCA ASSIGN screen.
3 DCA [ASSIGN DCA] switch and LED
This switch selects the DCA group for which input
channels or output channels (MIX channels) will be
4 DCA fader
This is a 100 mm fader that sets the level of the input
channel, output channel, or DCA group selected by
the FADER STATUS section.
If the internal graphic EQ is assigned to the DCA
faders, this sets the amount of boost/cut for the cor-
responding band.
If input channels or output channels are directly
assigned to the DCA faders, or if DCA groups are
assigned, this LED will light when the fader is set to
nominal level (0 dB).
If the internal graphic EQ is assigned to the DCA
faders, this LED will light when the gain value is 0
If DCA groups 1–12 are assigned to the DCA faders,
this LED will light to indicate DCA groups that are
set to Recall Safe (a state in which the DCA group
will be unaffected by scene recall operations). A DCA
fader for which this LED is lit will not change even if
a scene memory is recalled.
If input channels / output channels are directly
assigned to the DCA faders, this LED will light to
indicate channels that are set to Recall Safe. A chan-
nel for which this LED is lit will not change even if a
scene memory is recalled.
Simply setting a DCA fader to Recall Safe means
only that the corresponding DCA fader will be
exempted from Recall operations, the various chan-
nels that belong to that DCA group are not affected
by this. If necessary, you must also set the individ-
ual channels to Recall Safe.
Recall safe settings can be made in the display
(SCENE function RECALL SAFE screen).
If the graphic EQ has been assigned to the DCA fad-
ers, this LED will have no function.
7 DCA [CUE] switch and LED
This switch monitors the channel(s) assigned to the
DCA fader.
If this switch is pressed when a DCA group 1–12 is
assigned to the DCA fader, all input channels (or
output channels) assigned to that DCA group will be
sent to the CUE bus, and can be monitored from the
CUE OUT jacks, MONITOR OUT jacks A, or
PHONES jack.
If this switch is pressed when an input channel/out-
put channel is directly assigned to the DCA fader, the
signal of the corresponding channel will be sent to
the CUE bus. (This will have the same function as
the [CUE] switch provided for each channel.)
The location and monitoring method for the signal
sent to the CUE bus can be selected on the console in
the MASTER block CUE section, or in the display
(MON/CUE function CUE/SOLO screen).
If the graphic EQ has been assigned to the DCA fad-
ers, this switch will have no function.