User Manual

CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)
METER section
In this section you can select the channels whose level will be shown by the level meter, and specify the level detection
1 METER [PRE] switch and LED
This switch selects either PRE (switch LED lit) or
POST (switch LED dark) as the level metering point
(the point at which the level is detected) for the out-
put channel modules.
Regardless of whether “PRE” or “POST” is selected,
the location in the signal route at which the level is
actually detected can be specified in the screen
(METER function MIX 1-48 screen, or MATRIX 1-
24/ST /MONITOR screen).
The following tables show the metering points that
can be selected for input channels and output chan-
Metering points that can be selected for output
Operations of the [PRE] switch do not affect the level
meters of input channels. The metering point for
input channels can be selected only in the screen
(METER function screen), and can be set to one of
the following five points.
Metering points that can be selected for input channels
2 METER [PEAK HOLD] switch and LED
This is an on/off switch for the Peak Hold function of
the output channel meters.
The switch LED will light when this is on, and the
meter segment corresponding to the peak level will
remain lit.
3 METER SELECT [MIX 25–48]/[MATRIX 1–24]
switches and LEDs
These switches select the channels whose level will be
displayed by the 24 meters located on the right side
of the meter bridge.
When the [MIX 25–48] switch is on, the level of MIX
channels 25–48 will be displayed. When the
[MATRIX 1–24] switch is on, the level of MATRIX
channels 1–24 will be displayed.
PRE button
PRE EQ Immediately before the EQ
PRE FADER Immediately before the fader
POST button
POST FADER Immediately after the fader
POST ON After the [ON] switch
PRE ATT Before the attenuator
PRE GATE Immediately before the internal noise gate
PRE FADER Immediately before the fader
POST FADER Immediately after the fader
POST ON Immediately after the [ON] switch