User Manual

Basic settings (Standard mode)
When the ADVANCED button is on, you can make
more detailed word clock settings.
3. Click one of the following buttons to select the
word clock source as the word clock master.
In Standard mode you can select one of the following
three choices as the word clock.
When you change the word clock settings, noise
may be heard from the output jacks of the CS1D
and AO8, particularly if an MY8-AT digital I/O
card is installed in the DIO8. To protect your
speaker system, you must turn down the power
amp output before changing the word clock set-
tings. Such a change in the word clock settings can
occur not only when PM1D system internal settings
are changed, but also when the word clock setting is
switched on an external device (e.g., a CD player or
a recording device).
INT 48 k (Default setting)
The internal clock of the engine,
48 kHz
INT 44.1 k
...........The internal clock of the engine,
44.1 kHz
.....Supply a word clock to the
WORD CLOCK IN connector of
the engine
Normally you will select either INT 48 k or INT
44.1 k. If you are using an external clock generator as
the master, select W.CLOCK IN, and supply a word
clock to the WORD CLOCK IN jack of the engine/
If when you change the word clock settings, the AI8
or AO8 indicator shows “UL or the display shows a
message warning that the word clock is not syn-
chronized, check the connections between the
engine and console, and the connections between
the engine and the input/output units.