User Manual

Global functions
Using the internal oscillator
1. Access the MON/CUE function OSCILLATOR
screen, and use the PINK NOISE/BURST NOISE
buttons to select the type of signal that will be out-
put (sine wave, pink noise, burst noise).
2. If you selected sine wave in step 1, use the SINE
WAVE knob or the 10 kHz/1 kHz/100 Hz buttons to
set the frequency of the sine wave.
3. If you selected pink noise/burst noise in step 1, set
the WIDTH/INTERVAL and LPF/HPF parameters
as necessary.
4. Use the LEVEL knob to adjust the output level of
the oscillator.
5. Use the buttons of the ASSIGN section to select the
bus or output jack to which the oscillator signal
will be sent.
If necessary, you can also use the OSC OUT section
to select a jack to which the oscillator signal will be
output directly.
6. Press the [OSC ON] switch located in the OSCIL-
LATOR section (MASTER block) of the CS1D.
(Alternatively, you can click the OSC ON/OFF but-
tons located in the OSCILLATOR screen to turn the
oscillator on.)
The oscillator signal will be sent to the bus or output
jack you selected in step 5.
If you press the same switch once again (or click the
OSC ON/OFF button once again), the oscillator will
be turned off.