User Manual

Effects Parameters
Delay Time is calculated from the [TEMPO] and [NOTE].
FREQ. is calculated from the [TEMPO] and [NOTE].
Parameter Range Description
TEMPO 20 - 300
Tempo (BPM) value that is the basis for calculating the
delay time
DELAY L 0.0 - 2730.0 Left channel delay time
NOTE L *1 Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine delay time
FB.LEVEL L –99 - +99 [%]
Left channel feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase
feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
DELAY R 0.0 - 2730.0 Right channel delay time
NOTE R *1 Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine delay time
FB.LEVEL R –99 - +99 [%]
Right channel feedback gain (plus values for nor-
mal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feed-
FB.DELAY L 0.0 - 2730.0 Left channel feedback delay time
NOTE FB.L *1 Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine delay time
L->R FB.LEVEL –99 - +99 [%]
Left to right channel feedback gain (plus values for nor-
mal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feed-
FB.DELAY R 0.0 - 2730.0 Right channel feedback delay time
NOTE FB.R *1 Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine delay time
R->L FB.LEVEL –99 - +99 [%]
Right to left channel feedback gain (plus values for nor-
mal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feed-
HI.RATIO 0.1 - 1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio
HPF Thru, 21 - 8.0k [Hz] High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50 - 16.0k, Thru [Hz] Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
BALANCE WAT 0 - 100 [%] Wet/dry balance
Parameter Range Description
TEMPO 20 - 300
Tempo (BPM) value that is the basis for calculating the
modulation speed
FREQ. 0.05 - 40.00 [Hz] Modulation speed
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine modulation
PM DEPTH 0 - 100 [%] Pitch modulation depth
AM DEPTH 0 - 100 [%] Amplitude modulation depth
MOD DELAY 0.0 - 500.0 [ms] Delay time applied to modulation
WAVE Sine, Tri Modulation waveform
LOW SHEL. F Thru, 21 - 8.0k [Hz] Low-range shelving filter frequency
LOW SHEL. G –12.0 - +12.0 [dB] Low-range shelving filter gain
PEQ F 100 - 8.0k [Hz] Parametric EQ cutoff frequency
PEQ G –12.0 - +12.0 [dB] Parametric EQ gain
PEQ Q 10.0 - 0.1 Parametric EQ Q
HIGH SHEL. F 50 - 16.0k, Thru [Hz] High-range shelving filter frequency
HIGH SHEL. G –12.0 - +12.0 [dB] High-range shelving filter gain
BALANCE WAT 0 - 100 [%] Wet/dry balance
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