User Manual

Power does not turn on, Panel LEDs and
LCD do not light
Is the power cable connected to an AC outlet of the
correct voltage?
Are the CS1D and PW1D connected by the special
cable? (“CS1D Operation Manual (Start-up)” p.6,
Is the [POWER] switch turned on?
In the UTILITY function PREFERENCE screen, has
the LED brightness been turned down? (“CS1D Ref-
erence Manual (Software)” p.36)
If the power still does not turn on after the above
items have been checked, please contact your dealer.
Cannot control the DSP1D, DIO8, AI8, or AO8
from the CS1D
Are the CS1D and DSP1D connected to each other
by a CONTROL I/O cable between the correct inputs
and outputs? (“CS1D Operation Manual (Start-up)”
p.6, 10)
Is the CS1D controlling the wrong (i.e., uncon-
nected) DSP1D – either A or B? (“CS1D Reference
Manual (Hardware)” p.87, “CS1D Reference Man-
ual (Software)” p.2)
Is the DSP1D correctly connected via DIGITAL I/O
cables to the DIO8, AI8, or AO8? (“CS1D Operation
Manual (Start-up)” p.8, 9, 12, 13)
Are the various select switches of the DIO8, AI8, or
AO8 set appropriately for the cable connections?
(“CS1D Operation Manual (Start-up)” p.8, 9, 12,
Sound is not input
Are the option cards installed correctly?
(“CS1D Reference Manual (Software)” p.47)
Is a signal being input from the external device?
(“CS1D Operation Manual (Start-up)” p.36)
Is the signal from the input device (AI8, DIO8 etc.)
patched to an input channel? (“CS1D Operation
Manual (Start-up)” p.33, “CS1D Operation Man-
ual (Basic Operation)” p.28)
For a channel in which an input card with head amp
is selected, is the [GAIN] encoder set to an appropri-
ate level? (“CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)”
Is the EQ attenuator raised?
(“CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)” p.29)
Has insertion been turned on even though it is not
set correctly? (“CS1D Reference Manual (Hard-
ware)” p.21)
Is the [ON] switch indicator of the input channel lit?
(“CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)” p.32)
Is the fader of the input channel raised? (“CS1D Ref-
erence Manual (Hardware)” p.32)
In SOLO mode, is CUE turned on for a channel that
has no signal? (“CS1D Operation Manual (Basic
Operation)” p.119)
Has the DCA fader to which that channel is assigned
been raised? Has MUTE been turned on? (“CS1D
Operation Manual (Basic Operation)” p.93)
Sound is not output
Are the option cards installed correctly? (“CS1D Ref-
erence Manual (Software)” p.50)
Is the [ON] switch indicator lit for the STEREO A/B
channels? (“CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)”
Is the output channel patched to a signal output
device (AO8, DIO8 etc.)? (“CS1D Operation Manual
(Start-up)” p.42, “CS1D Operation Manual (Basic
Operation)” p.30)
Is LCR PAN turned on and the CSR value set to 1.0?
(“CS1D Reference Manual (Software)” p.160)
A signal is sent to the 2-TRACK IN jack, but
no sound is input
Is the DIGITAL I/O cable correctly connected
between the CS1D and the DSP1D? (“CS1D Opera-
tion Manual (Start-up)” p.6, 10)
Are the ANALOG or DIGITAL jacks selected cor-
rectly? (“CS1D Reference Manual (Software)”
Sound is not output from the headphones or
Is the DIGITAL I/O cable correctly connected
between the CS1D and the DSP1D? (“CS1D Opera-
tion Manual (Start-up)” p.6, 10)
Are the MONITOR [PHONES] or [LEVEL] knobs
set to an appropriate volume? (“CS1D Operation
Manual (Start-up)” p.36, “CS1D Operation Man-
ual (Basic Operation)” p.111)
Sound is too weak
Is the head amp or [GAIN] encoder set correctly?
(“CS1D Reference Manual (Hardware)” p.31)
Is the fader of the input channel raised? (“CS1D Ref-
erence Manual (Hardware)” p.32)
Is the EQ gain setting excessively low? (“CS1D Refer-
ence Manual (Hardware)” p.29)