User Manual

Chapter 1. Introduction
In either mode, the input connectors of an input unit must be assigned (patched) in the CS1D display to an input chan-
nel in order to be used. Similarly, in order to use the output connectors of an output unit, you must assign them in the
display to an output channel (MIX channel, MATRIX channel, STEREO A/B channel).
The following table shows the type and number of engines required when using the 48 channel model and 96 channel
model in Standard mode or Mirror mode, and the number of input/output connectors and channels that can be used.
Number of inputs/outputs and channel structure
The 96 channel model and 48 channel model differ in the number of available monaural input channels and stereo
input channels. However, they have the same number of MIX channels, MATRIX channels, and STEREO A/B output
In Mirror mode, one of the engines (A/B) is maintained as a backup, and you can manually switch between the units
to use either one or the other. Thus, the number of input/output connectors and channels is the same as in Standard
Standard mode Mirror mode
Model 48 channel model 96 channel model 48 channel model 96 channel model
Engine DSP1D × 1 DSP1D-EX × 1 DSP1D × 2 DSP1D-EX × 2
Input connectors Maximum 320 Maximum 320 Maximum 320 Maximum 320
Output connectors Maximum 192 Maximum 192 Maximum 192 Maximum 192
Monaural input channels 48 96 48 96
Stereo input channels 4848
MIX channels 48 48 48 48
MATRIX channels 24 24 24 24
STEREO channels 2 (A, B) 2 (A, B) 2 (A, B) 2 (A, B)